1111492-Hand Woven Tote
1111492-Hand Woven Tote

Hand Woven Cotton Bag

Hand woven cotton tote bag with an open inside pocket. It is a great size for daily use and has a distinctive holiday feel about the blue and white stripes.

Made in Bethany Leprosy Colony (see below).

Code/b] - 1111492

Size/b] - 38x31x10cm handles 48cm

Price: Bethany_Bags_Price_List_2017

Care:/b] Machine Wash 40 degrees

Bethany Weaves is a weaving unit in Bethany Leprosy cClony in S. India where wonderful bags are woven and stitched and then exported around the world. Using traditional navar looms the women weave strips of brightly coloured cotton which are then stitched into bags. The unit has been functioning providing work in the colony for about 40 years. In the last decade the weavers have mostly been the daughters and daughters-in-law of the original leprosy affected colony members.

In 2017-18 MESH assisted the women to be trained to add leather trims to their bags thereby increasing and refining their range.

Watch| Bethany Bag Ballet

To see some more data about Bethany weaves and their recent achievements click here


This is Evangeline, one of the tailors in Bethany she says about her earnings:-
“I use my earnings to meet household costs and especially for anything my daughters might need. My husband and I don’t like taking loans from money lenders. I am a member of a women’s savings group and have been able to apply for a group loan three times. I have repaid each time and using that money along with the housing grant from the Government House Building Programme we have been able to build a new house with slightly larger rooms and an added balcony.”
and about quality and speed:-
“I am not the fastest tailor but then I make less mistakes then the very fast ones and since quality is important it means I don’t have to unpick and re-stitch as much as other people. I like sewing and enjoy the atmosphere learning new things, increasing my knowledge and skills all the time.”

Read more about Evangeline here